For many, spring is a time of rebirth and rejuvenation. Spring cleaning offers an opportunity to clear away clutter and prepare for the arrival of warmer weather. The IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification) reminds consumers that a quality cleaning regimen can be good for their health by enhancing the indoor air quality of the home.
A survey conducted by the IICRC (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification) found that more than eight out of 10 U.S. homeowners feel their family’s health is directly related to the cleanliness of floors in the home. The survey results, included flooring and whether carpeting aggravated allergies. Not so. The key they say is proper cleaning.
The IICRC offers 10 tips for simple clean-up to improve indoor air quality:
Keep Walkway and Entries Clean – Sweep, dust, vacuum or use a leaf blower to remove soil and debris from entries to eliminate tracking into the facility.
Use Mats to Trap Soil at Entries – Outside and interior mats to trap and contain particles and moisture should be placed at each entry.
Clean Shoes at Entries – Studies conducted by professional engineers on carpet dust samples indicate that fine particles containing lead are reduced by cleaning or removing and leaving shoes at the entry.
Purchase and Use High Quality Vacuum Equipment – A quality, durable upright vacuum with brush agitation is a must. Check the Carpet and Rug Institute’s list of vacuums that qualify for the Green Label Program at www.carpet-rug.org.
Use High Efficiency Vacuum Filter Bag – Using high-efficiency double-lined vacuum filter bags can filter out 99 percent of particles down to one micron or less in size.
Vacuum Frequency – Consumers should increase the frequency of vacuuming to stop soil from sifting downward and becoming embedded in the carpet pile.
Heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) Filters – Use quality pleated or reusable electrostatic filters for HVAC systems. Reusable filters should be removed and flushed free of collected soils on a monthly basis.
Clean the Carpet – Professional hot water extraction cleaning lifts and suspends fine particles of soil. Then careful extraction flushes them from carpet fibers.
Clean Other Soft Surfaces – Clean upholstery, drapery, bedding and other fabric surfaces regularly; wash linens weekly to remove allergens.
Control Moisture and Humidity – Dust mites and mold are the two most common allergens present in higher humidity climates. Dust mite infestation can be eliminated if the relative humidity of a home or building, not just a particular area, is consistently maintained below 50 percent.